Behind the scene “White Flame” MWDesign shoot

posted by on 2011.03.10, under Automotive, photoshoot

I don’t usually post behind the scene shots, mainly because I don’t find them interesting enough to show. However, this is one of my first time shooting cars in an indoor studio. Thanks again Whitebox Studios.

A lot of people asked me how I got the car so shinny, and believe it or not, a white car in a white studio is usually the easiest to shoot, but for me it was a challenge. I didn’t want to do the typical photoshoot. If I light the car pointing the light straight at it, it would look bland and flat. Instead, I made use of the white walls around the studio, and pointing the lights at them so it reflects off a bigger surface area. By doing that, it creates a big soft box effect that allows the car to look more reflective and appealing.

image courtesy of Whitebox Studios
